Making A Decision

Sermon Notes

A decision is something that someone chooses when making up his or her mind, after considering it and other possible choices,

Joshua 24:15 And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD. 

Jesus said no man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one and love the other; or else he will hold to the one and despise the other. But here we see no matter what others decided, Joshua made a commitment to God. He was determined to set an example of living by the decision he had made. Every decision we make, we should take it to God first and let Him be the center of it. Remember the inside center of our life should perpetuate the outside.

When I think about decisions, I think about Joseph, Paul, and Abraham. Imagine this: Joseph is looking forward to Mary becoming his wife and suddenly learns that she is expecting a child and the father of the child is none other than God himself. Joseph decided to accept what he learned from Mary and the angels and commit his life to parent a child not biologically his and it was not a normal upbringing. Joseph had to flee with Mary and the baby to Egypt to protect their safety. Joseph simply steps up to be the best father he could be despite the adversities and circumstances

Paul's convictions and conversion.

Perhaps the best conversion story in the New Testament, Paul transforms from an enemy of the early Christians to be one of the new faith’s convicted leaders. During his conversion, Paul decided to take back his criticism of Christianity and suffer suspicion from all sides. Despite the Jews, who were formally his allies against the new religion, and Christians who doubted his conversion, Paul weathered suspicions and allegations to become the most prophetic New Testament writer. Paul continues to teach others about his faith. 

Today it is easy to fear losing friends and family members due to different beliefs. Rather religious, political, or other reasons we can still learn from Paul’s hard decision he made. I know I have, and I still will.

Let’s take a look at Abraham and Isaac

Can you imagine what was on his mind when he was asked to sacrifice his own child? A child he waited years to welcome to this world. Abraham was challenged by God in this very way. We are not being asked for such a sacrifice, we can take a different lesson from Abraham’s hard decision to follow God's command.

Question: How often do we find ourselves at odds with the decisions that we have with our adult children when they have made what we think is a bad decision? Maybe we don't approve of their lifestyle, how they manage their finances or households, or even how they dress. Was not Abraham’s decision one that followed the commands of God? Being one of his love and acceptance of his son? Perhaps that acceptance comes more so than the horror of being asked to sacrifice a child. This is the lesson we can learn from our ancient ancestor Abraham.

I’m reminded of some hard decisions I have had to make. I’ve found that decisions are easy to make, the hard part is holding to them, why? The bible says in John 10:10 The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. Listen when God is allowed to be the head of our life in all phases, decisions are easier to make and problems are easier to solve and life is just a hold lot better.

Conclusion: Don’t say Jesus is the head of your life when he is not. Rather say it and believe it. Truly let Him be the head of your life. The way we live shows others the strength of our commitment to the decision we have made to serve God.


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